Monday, July 14, 2014

What I thought was a new chapter in life

Hello blog! 
    It's been awhile since the last post. Which I hardly post. Big news! I'm moving for a 3rd time! Kinda excited but not.I consider arizona to be my home and since being moved back it doesn't feel the same. ( I know things change. I'm not an idiot.) Haven't been able to get a job, which sucks and stressful. I surprised my best friend (Christina) at her work and she made a scene. It's what I was going for and accomplished. Since then I have gone out of my way to see her. She has only once which was to look at going into sonography schools. I did most of the work. My other best friend (Bounlom) has made any effort to see me at all.  Doesn't seem like I fit into any of their lives. So it hasn't been the best welcoming home I thought. I know I'm not close to being the best friends but I thought I was. I think Christina will never let me in like she has to her very close friend. Which sucks cause she plasters it all over Facebook. I was I had my old and closest friendship back, but I know I'll never has those back again. 

I not a very good blogger. I feel like my thoughts jump around and don't make sense. I figure I need to write stuff done to get it off my chest. Hopefully I'll start to feel better about these friendships. Who knows. 

The reason for this move again is because the guy who bought my dad's business has screwed things up and was close to not giving  this payment he owes every month. He was short this last payment. Which scared my dad. That money he was paying us was going to living expenses here in arizona. Dad took action and got his wheels rolling. The accounts that are having issues have asked my dad when he is coming back to take them over again. So since I have no job and my younger sister wasn't getting hardly anything, my dad is shipping us back to take over and build the business up again. It sounds like it's our last move. Not moving back to arizona. I can't live in another state without my dad. I don't have attachment issues it's just cause he's my last living parent. He works way to hard. It's not normal.  My sisters and I will always be around to help him out. 

Until next time blog.  Hopefully not to long of a next time. Haha

Monday, May 14, 2012


Last night I had a dream with my ex fiancé. Invited me to some party he was having. I actually enjoyed this dream. I miss him. It felt like he was coming back into my life. (I wish I could have my best friend back.)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Turned 25 today. Feels like just another day. I saw myself doing something different. Like having a dinner party with friends.. Your 25, big milestone. But its just a big whoop, I know my mother was around. she is always around birthdays and holidays. I just wish it was a physical body in front of me. Probably going to celebrate my birthday over the weekend.

( I don't need anyone to make my feeling s go away or make better. It's how I feel. But then again I don't think anyone reads this blog,)

Yay happy birthday to me

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My dog

She just had her third birthday. (Feb 6th) she's such the character. Always happy and wanting to play. sometimes I think she wants to be a lap dog. 95lbs and tons of spunk. Love this goofball!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

SafetySuit - Let Go

In love with this song.