Saturday, September 19, 2009

OoOo LaLa *** wink wink***

So i've always been a fan of 1950's pinup. It's clean.. I've even made to collages in the bathroom... some people like and some come out going OMG! or WHOA! hey i took out the bad ones. Anyways.. on an old cell i had the pin up nurse for a background.. i've always liked it. Recently i ran across it months ago. The website was on the side of the picture. Went to the webside and there was alot more cartoon pin ups.. i only gather clean ones... im not a sick person. I just thought these we cute and thought i would share with everyone.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Owl City.. Fireflies... Such a good song!

So I went in You Tube the other day and looked up Daria from MTV... My dad loves that show... the only show that was on MTV.. He said he likes daria cuz if the way she acted.. Wish they would bring the show back.