Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fun Facts: Taurus

Strong, dependable Taurus leads the way when it comes to reaping the rewards of hard work. Lovers of everything that is fine and beautiful, Taureans surround themselves with material gains. This is a sensual, tactile sign. Touch is very important in everything from work to romance. Stable and conservative, Taureans are among the most reliable of the Zodiac. While sometimes viewed as stubborn, this sign will plod along on a task until the very end, ensuring that everything is up to standard. They're highly creative and thoroughly enjoy making things with their hands.

Friends and Family
Domestic affairs are very important to the Taurus. Values surrounding family are usually strong and fixed to the point where the Bull will do anything to protect them. Intelligence and a good sense of humor make this sign great company, and Taureans are often sought for advice on the practical way of doing things. Once a friend is made and trusted, this relationship will last for a lifetime. They're loyal and always willing to lend a hand. In fact, many friendships for the Taurus start in childhood. Promises and oaths to others are taken seriously. Time spent with family members is also prized. Taureans adore children, and will be the first at family events such as reunions and holiday gatherings. They love to entertain in their own homes and don't think twice about having a house full of friends and relatives to celebrate life's events.

Career and Money
Stability is the keyword for this sign. The key phrase for Taurus is "I have." Taureans love money, and they're not afraid to work hard to get it. On the job, the Taurus is dependable, patient, and thorough. Once they set their minds to a project, they will stick with it until completion, regardless of how long or complicated it might be. Taureans are punctual, up for almost anything, and diligent.

A sense of one's values is a huge motivator when it comes to the Taurus. Second to that is the love of the rewards that follow hard work. Because members of this sign love to surround themselves with material finery and enjoy the better foods and luxuries that life has to offer, work is very important. It is the means to an end - and the Taurus is always aware of this.

Taureans are excellent managers of money. They will pay their bills on time and will keep a reserve tucked away. On occasion, you can see some overspending, but this is only once in a while. The Taurus will plan for the item they desire and save until they have the additional resources to attain what they want. Careers that suit this strong sign are farming, banking, medicine, education, and building.

Love and Sex
Be prepared to take your time when it comes to the Taurus lover. Exceptionally sensual, touch is most important, and being rushed in any way, shape, or form is not going to turn this sign on. Mates are often from the same status and social circle able to match the Bull's intellect and desire for the finer things in life. Expect affections to be shown through material items - the Taurus is a great gift-giver.


Each sign has a part of the anatomy attached to it, making this the area of the body most sensitive to stimulation. The anatomical areas for Taurus are the throat, neck, ears, vocal cords, thyroid, tongue, mouth, tonsils, and the lower teeth.

Ruling Planet
The ruling planet for Taurus is Venus. This planet's action is gentle and harmonious. It governs beauty, charm, emotional contacts, possessions, unions of all kinds, singing, art, culture, sweets, and moral character.

The color of choice for Taurus is pink.

Taurus' star stone is the emerald.

Lucky Numbers
Taurus' lucky numbers are 2 and 8.

Taureans are most compatible with Virgo and Capricorn.

Opposite Sign
The opposite sign of Taurus is Scorpio.

The Perfect Gift
Soft fabrics, floral scents, cookbooks, flowers, candy

Gardening, cooking, working with hands, music, romance, high-quality clothing

Sudden changes, complications, insecurity of any kind, synthetic fabrics

Natural sign of the Second House. This house focuses on values, freedom, earning ability, possessions, and inner and outer resources.

Famous Taureans
Randy Travis, Jack Nicholson, Cate Blanchett, George Clooney, David Beckham

Best Travel Destination
Ireland, Switzerland, Sweden, Russia

Dependable, patient, musical, practical

Stubborn, uncompromising, possessive

Charismatic marks
Solid, big bones, tendency to gain weight

Best environment
A secluded home close to nature. Good food is also important. Beauty and comfort are a must.

After a Breakup: Survival by the Zodiac

Surviving a breakup can be more challenging than breaking up itself. Whether it's post-breakup hell (Sagittarius), post breakup party time (Libra), or somewhere in between, learn how to help yourself or your friends with our guide to survival strategies as a newly single Sun Sign.

You know the breakup is for the best but feel that your pride is hurt. You often get told to stop yelling or to calm down when you are perfectly calm. But this is the one time where you have society's permission to be yourself! No one will expect you to be calm, so let it out. Yell, scream, heal, impulse shop. Friends of Aries: just put up with the freaking out; it'll be over soon.

Despite the tendency to self-sabotage in relationships, Taureans do not handle breakups well. The best therapy for you is to pretend you are an Aries and let out your pain rather than letting it sit and turn into a blistering tower of darkness. Friends of Taurus: this is major trauma. Be exceptionally loving to your Taurus pal until he or she is over whatchamacallit!

You love normalcy, but pretending nothing happened does not make things normal. You can multitask by reorganizing photo albums and removing the pictures with the ex - shredding of said pictures is optional. Friends of Gemini: your friend will be momentarily hysterical and then act like you're crazy if you think she's upset. It depends on which personality is in charge that day.

The best therapy for an angry Cancer is to show your ex and yourself that life goes on! Going out on the party circuit and feeling available will quell that anger and create new reasons to be sentimental. Friends of Cancer: take your friend out to a fun place where you all can cut loose - within reason.

Not that we recommend liquor as a means of getting over a breakup, but proud Lions will need to celebrate with a bottle of fine wine and a few friends. We say "celebrate" because although a Leo will feel pain and anger, anything in their evolvement is to be embraced! Friends of Leo: you know how your friend loves compliments? Pile them on.

Virgo, darling, make a list of all the reasons why you are better without the dead weight. Now make a list of ten things you will now be able to do with your freedom. Friends of Virgo: "logic" is the keyword here. Point out all the reasons why your friend is better off, and act as if this is a positive thing; a Virgo is uncomfortable with people feeling sorry for him or her.

Librans may break up a few times in one relationship because of their thinking and rethinking, but by the time the relationship does end for good, the constant analysis has Libra fully prepared for it. Force your friends to listen to everything you put up with. Friends of Libra: just listen. Nothing you can say will be news.

OK, Scorpio, no one is here but us, so we'll be frank: stop beating yourself up and regretting everything you did. You did the best you could. If you need to mentally beat up the other person, go ahead, but forgive yourself just this once. Friends of Scorpio: do not mention the breakup at all. Act as if nothing happened. In fact, ask your friend to help you with a problem. Scorpio likes that.

Set 'em up, Joe. Your pain and your healing contribute to who you will become, but don't let those lows get too low. Friends of Sagittarius: tread carefully. Your friend's mood will go from joyful to miserable and back in seconds. Remind your friend that the party is wherever she is and time heals all wounds.

Capricornians don't mind being without friends, but they do prefer to be part of a couple, so try to attend solo an event to which you would have normally taken your ex. Afterward, you've proven to yourself that you can do it! Friends of Capricorn: normalcy is more important then venting, so as with Scorpio, pretend nothing happened. If the ex's name comes up, act like you don't remember who that is.

To provide for yourself a safe environment so that no one notices that you're crying hysterically, watch your sad movie, and avoid romantic movies if possible. Beaches? Go for it. Terms of Endearment? Bring it on. Love Story? Pass. Friends of Aquarius: no matter whose decision the breakup was, your friend will be in a slight fog. Aquarians are used to crystal-clear waters, so hugs and positive reinforcement are necessary. Also, bring popcorn for those movies.

Your dreaminess tends to gets in the way of your intuition, but try to remember that more than any other sign, your soul knows the truth. Do what you want to do, not what you think you should do. Telling someone off, writing a letter and releasing it, whatever you need. Friends of Pisces: watch your buddy like a hawk. He or she could do something stupid, such as drinking too much and doing something regrettable. Your friend will go full throttle on the chosen activity, so your responsibility is to make sure no one gets hurt!

Top 10 Nightmares Explained

Dreaming is natural, and so is the occasional "wrong turn" into a less-than-welcome nightmare. These stories we tell ourselves at night have an important and useful function. Dreams help us think about and sort out issues from our waking life. Here, the ten most common nightmares' messages are explained.

1. Being Chased
By a long margin, being chased is the most common nightmare. You might be chased by an animal, a person, or dark forces. Whatever pursues you symbolizes a part of yourself that you are not able to, or do not want to, admit. It's an area of your life where you may feel helpless. An animal could represent the more uninhibited part of your nature. A strange person or negative energy represents lessons you need to learn or accept. This nightmare is always a wake up call to take more control of your life. Sometimes this means making a difficult choice.

2. Drowning
Drowning or being unable to breathe is closely tied to what energizes your life. If you dream about drowning, ask yourself, "What am I blocking, avoiding, or feeling unable to cope with?" This is especially true concerning feelings you may not want to admit. In a dream, you can learn to breathe underwater!

3. Being Trapped
If you dream of being trapped or unable to move, it is likely you are coping with a situation where you feel you have no choice. In your waking life you are not allowing yourself to accept that life is full of possibilities for constructive change. When you wake, talk with someone you trust about those areas where you feel stuck.

4. Partner Leaving You/Divorce
This sort of nightmare has more than one possible meaning. Vivid dreams about a romantic breakup can be rooted in your own sense of insecurity or dissatisfaction about a relationship. It can also be a way for your unconscious to send a message that what you think is secure may be more unstable than you are willing to admit. Sometimes, there are lessons to be learned about standing on your own, no matter what. Think about what you need to feel secure in your waking life.

5. Being Injured
If you are injured in a dream, pay close attention to the part of the body that has been hurt. The head represents all of you; the hands, how you handle life; legs speak of what supports you. Ask yourself what area of your life you been neglecting or mistreating. It is time to be more alert to prioritize particular needs that may be taking second place in your life.

6. Teeth Falling Out
A great number of people actually dream of having their teeth fall out. Teeth are necessary to speak, eat, present a good appearance, and can be a weapon to protect yourself. Losing teeth sometimes suggests you are having a problem making a choice. You might feel you cannot communicate your real feelings, doubt your ability to take care of yourself, or simply fear speaking in public.

7. Being Naked in Public
Often you may be naked, but no one seems to notice. If you find yourself embarrassed, the dream is pointing out that you may be lacking confidence or un comfortable around other people. The dream reflects a sense that you are vulnerable, weakened in the eyes of others, and possibly foolish. This is a common dream for reserved people with very high standards. You can turn it around by imagining everyone else in their underwear when you are awake! Being naked and unashamed in a dream is very freeing.

8. Missing a Plane, Train, etc.
These dreams come when you are running around trying to get everywhere on time. It can also mean you have missed an important opportunity to move on or change your horizons. These sorts of dreams often appear when you must make an important choice. This is similar to dreams of being unready to take a test. You need to ask yourself if you are as prepared as possible for an upcoming challenge.

9. Contacted By the Dead
Seeing a departed loved one is a very common dream experience. It is likely that some of these visits are actual astral contacts. Usually, these contacts include nonverbal, telepathic communication. These dreams are often comforting and not at all scary or distressing. They suggest that love endures beyond our concept of space or time. If the deceased person is speaking out loud, it is more likely the dream is about part of yourself.

10. Natural Disasters
An earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, tornado, or other end of the world dream often means a way of life that needs to be surrendered. There is something going on that is likely to trigger a dramatic change from what is safe and familiar. This may not be a literal move, but could show emotional upheaval, or the need to accept a whole new way of being in the world.

Recurring nightmares
Most people occasionally experience the same dream over and over. This is usually a signal that your subconscious mind is trying to send you a message. When you understand the message, and do something about it, the dream will change or end. Scary dreams are a way of generating excitement so you will be more honest with yourself. They should not be feared, but rather welcomed as helpful hints toward a better life.