Monday, May 14, 2012


Last night I had a dream with my ex fiancé. Invited me to some party he was having. I actually enjoyed this dream. I miss him. It felt like he was coming back into my life. (I wish I could have my best friend back.)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Turned 25 today. Feels like just another day. I saw myself doing something different. Like having a dinner party with friends.. Your 25, big milestone. But its just a big whoop, I know my mother was around. she is always around birthdays and holidays. I just wish it was a physical body in front of me. Probably going to celebrate my birthday over the weekend.

( I don't need anyone to make my feeling s go away or make better. It's how I feel. But then again I don't think anyone reads this blog,)

Yay happy birthday to me